yesterday I spent the whole day foraging for hedgerow fruits to make into drinks and jams and actually washing and preparing them. collected elderberries, rowan berries, sloes, wild plums, hawthorn berries and crab apples. we now have 8 kilner jars with fruits steeping in vodka...... hic!!! and a couple of pounds of fruit in the freezer to make more. today it is raining so not venturing out for more just yet.... hopefully it will be fine tomorrow and I can forage in a different area for more :-) I've been away on holiday so I think I've missed all the blackberries. the fruit is all early this year compared to the last few years when I've been out foraging. last year my most successful concoction was elderberry vodka..... it was like a lovely port wine so taking advantage of the lovely elderberry crop this year and hopefully have some ready for the Yule celebrations.

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