Thursday 22 September 2011

Cherry and blossom

I’m well blessed today.  Look what I found in my breakfast strawberries!  

Who would have thought some pretty blossom would greet me today.

And before I could finish off my strawberries and yogurt I heard someone cutting down a tree.  So I rushed off to investigate (like you do).  It is so sad that the cherry tree had to come down as it wasn’t diseased…. just in the wrong place!  But I couldn’t do anything about it so I begged two lovely pieces from the trunk as seats, and some smaller branches for my whittling. 

The trunks have beautiful ring patterns and will look lovely as a 'stool' and a small 'table' by my seat next spring.

I have half a dozen branches now waiting for me which I need to keep 'green' :-)

Now……. what shall I whittle today?


  1. Hello Willow, thankyou for your kind comment on my Blog.Glad you are enjoying seeing what goes on in Avalon .
    I think you are a girl after my own heart :-)
    I shall enjoy getting to know you and reading your blog. Please pop back whenever you can, you are most welcome.Blessings Kath

  2. Lovely posts - so heartwarming! Nice to meet you.
    Denise x
